Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17th Celebrations

Since today marks the first day of Saturnalia, it's a great time for a social. Invite people over for a potluck dinner, a gift exchange, or throw a costume party. Include the Lord of Misrule by allowing the children to plan meal menus today. Better yet, make the Lord of Misrule a central figure in the celebration by choosing someone to dress in the role. Designate a special mug as the Cup of Change, and fill it with hot cider. Then give it to the Lord and have him approach attendees by asking them to embrace the changes in the Earth, the Sky and themselves by drinking from it. Don't forget to honor Saturn, the God if Agriculture, Lessons and Karmic Law. Have everyone choose a lesson they've learned over the past year--something that was especially tough to get through--and discuss it with the rest of the group. Not only will you save someone else the aggravation you went through, but you will lighten your own Karmic load dramatically. Start the discussion by chanting the following together:

Saturn, God of Lessons Learned
And those to come--those yet unturned
Help us lighten Karmic load
By sharing what we've reaped and sowed

Today's Yuletide Trivia

Eggnog wasn't always the creamy, rich drink we know today. It's a derivative of a seventeenth century ale called "nog." The Irish celebrated each Christmas Eve by drinking a pint or so, for in their country all pubs were closed Christmas day.

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